Talking Tom & Friends Wiki
I feel like we're forgetting something...

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Victoria Payne is a minor character in Talking Tom and Friends. She is the main antagonist in the episode, "Angela's Critic", and thus the opening antagonist of Season 1.


Victoria Payne is seen with a derby hat, brown hair, pink lipstick, earrings, a green one strap dress on the right with a brown belt, black leggings and black high heels.


Victoria Payne is a music reviewer who "crushes" songwriters by writing critical articles. She is seen to be heartless and will dislike any music. Although in "The Mystery of the Pyramid" she did not like Angela calling her one of the least favorite performers, she is seen hanging out with Angela or in Angela's concert in multiple cameos.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

In other Languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Portuguese Vitória Das Dores Victoria Of Sorrows
Russian Виктория Боля Victoria Boule

