In Talking Friends, Tom and Ben live in two connected trailers, which is a location used throughout the series.
Tom and Ben's trailer is a camping trailer that Tom and Ben live in. Well its two but they have been connected, It is silver on the exterior and has a star with Tom's name written on it. There are multiple rooms inside, such as Tom's room, a kitchen, and Ben's lab. There is also a wooden room added on that connects it.
Tom’s Trailer
Toms room resembles toms house in Talking Tom Cat 2, There are many shelves and There is a coo coo clock and another shelve, With a light on the celing, Resembling the background almost exactly from Talking Tom Cat 2, There is a mirror where tom has photos of himself around it and a big mirror and a chair, And there is also a TV with a bookshelve under it, And a beige couch.
There is also a kitchen that resembles the kitchen from Talking Pierre, And lastly there is a red carpet. And lastly many windows and a door leading to the outside,
Ben’s Trailer
Ben's trailer resembles the lab and living room from Talking Ben The Dog. With there being a lab side with many cabinets and potions and a tv. And many science stuff. The other side has green walls and photo frames, With a red lounge chair and a table with a telephone. There is also a television and a bookshelf.
Ben's lab has a sliding door that can be opened and has a little staircase, There is another sliding door across it aswell leading behind the trailer.
The Wooden Room
The wooden room is a area connecting both of the rooms, There are picture frames on the walls, Wooden walls, Wooden doors, And a archway opening leading to toms room. And another arch that leads to bens lab.. There also several other doors that likely go to other rooms.
- Due to how much this place looks like some of the apps, The place has many easter eggs, And its likely based off many of the apps at the time