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The Perfect Dress is the 5th episode of Season 1 of Talking Tom and Friends Minis.


Angela orders the perfect dress online, but delivery seems to be taking ages.


There's nothing here!
Hank's Hill

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First, Angela turns off the Lights and then turns on the Lights, Angela is Finding What to Buy, Angela Would like to buy the Favorite Dress, Then clicked the Buy button, and then Angela sleeps. Second, Angela is Drinking Coffee & Waiting to the Dress, Angela Notices that the Dress is not coming, But the Dress is coming, Angela Drinks coffee, Third Angela Meets Tom, Hank, and Ginger and then Angela Brushes the Teeth, Fourth Angela Notices That The Box Is Missing, & Then Angela Gets Mad, Fifth Angela is waiting for the Dress, and then Angela Meets Ben, The Mail Dress is Finally Here, But It's Ben, Angela Frusturated.



  • Tom's House



Talking Tom & Friends Minis - The Perfect Dress (Episode 4)
