Tom: Hey guys! I got something to tell you, but, just give me a second.
(Tom vomits.)
Tom: What I meant to tell you is that, washing your hands is one of the most important. In fact, let me tell you all about it after I come back!
(Tom vomits again. Theme song plays)
Tom: At first, I didn't know why I got sick. So, I asked the Internet Doctor and he said:
Dr. Internet: (flashback) Ooh, spooky!
Tom: Then I realized it was in fact the work of Jeremy the Germ.
Jeremy: (flashback) Hi everyone! I'm Jeremy!
Tom: You heard me right! It was the germs. Now I bet you're all gonna be like: "Hey Tom, they're so small, they're practically invisible. How can they harm us?"
Tom: But that's the thing! Because they're so small, they can sneak inside your body, and make you, really, really, sick!
(Tom vomits on camera. A green lookalike of Jeremy is seen.)
Tom: Ew, gross.
Jeremy: (flashback) Very good! You figured out that a germ got someone sick!
Tom: Like not just "stay-home-from-school-or-work" kind of sick. But so sick, you can't even play video games! (Tom sneeze
Tom: (as the audience) Not even mini games?
Tom: Nothing! Not washing your hands is pretty much giving germs the front door key to your immune system.
(A flashback of Jeremy, along with his friends, laughing in a sewer is shown.)
Tom: As soon as they get it, they can mess with your moods, (happiness level drops) your energy levels, and how you just plain feel.
Tom: It's a one way ticket to Sicktown, population: YOU. And believe me, no amount of potions will be able to fix it.
(A flashback from "Potions" appears.)
Tom: But there is one thing that germs fear. HYGIENE! Come at them with a two-sided attack of (tablets with Tom on them appear) soap and water, and they won't stand a chance!
Tom: So, when you come home, or you're about to eat dinner, or you've just been to the bathroom, give your hands a good ol' scrub, to keep Jeremy the Germ out of your house.
(A flashback of Ben kicking out Jeremy is shown.)
Tom: And you know what else you should never forget, is to subscribe to my channel. Keep your hands and noses clean, guys! See ya!
(Jeremy spitting on Ben's boot is shown.)
Ben: (flashback) Ugh!
Jeremy: (flashback) Hey guys, wait up!
(Credits roll)