Talking Tom & Friends Wiki
Where's that other one of you?
Your voice is really annoying

This article is about the franchise. You may be looking for the show or the magazine and disambiguation.

Talking Tom & Friends (previously known as Talking Friends, Talking Pals[1] and Talking Series[2] until late 2014 and written as Talking Tom and Friends until early 2021) is a Slovenian media franchise created and owned by Outfit7. The franchise focuses on various mobile apps involving anthropomorphic animal characters repeating things said by the user and TV shows starring those characters. The first app, Talking Tom Cat, was launched on 26 June 2010[3][4] and went popular only 13 days after its iPhone debut. As of October 2021, the apps have achieved more than 13 billion downloads.


There's nothing here!
Hank's Hill

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After being founded in 2009, Outfit7 released their first apps from 2 February 2010 to May 2010. After the failures of the apps they released, Outfit7 founder Samo Login purchased a grey cat model online named "Cat Cartoon" for $90 in TurboSquid[5][6]. This model was then made part of the Talking Tom Cat app, a virtual pet app where the talking cat would repeat the words said by the user. It was released on 26 June 2010 for iOS, and received one million downloads within 13 days.

Outfit7 then released several other similar virtual character apps from 2010 to 2011, such as Talking Harry the Hedgehog, Talking Rex the Dinosaur, Talking Roby the Robot, Talking Gina the Giraffe, and most notably, Talking Ben the Dog.

In 2012, Outfit7 then introduced the Talking Friends miniseries on YouTube, starring six of the Talking Friends: Tom, Ben, Pierre, Ginger, Gina, and Angela. The ten episodes were released on the Disney YouTube channel from 8 June 2012 to until 31 August 2012.

In 2014, the Talking Tom and Friends webseries debuted on YouTube. The series retired Gina and Pierre, and introduced Hank, and later Becca. The series ran from 23 December 2014 until 24 December 2021, when it got silently cancelled.


Image Description
TommmTalking Tom Talking Tom is a gray tabby cat. He is a wisecracking, adventure-seeking cat. He loves vowing his girlfriend Talking Angela and planning inventions with his best friend Ben. Tom, thanks to his totally charming self and his positive outlook on the world, has many friends. He’s very protective of his friends and would do anything to do what’s best for them. His life is full of adventure and happenings, he loves trying out new things and he never says no. Another very important fact about Tom is that he never ever gives up and always looks on the bright side of life.
AngelatheCatTalking Angela Talking Angela is a white cat who is Tom's girlfriend. She is a music-loving cat who likes to sing her heart out. When she is not singing, she likes fashion.
WebsiteBenTalking Ben Talking Ben is a brown dog and Tom's best friend. He makes inventions with Talking Tom. For the most part he’s very shy, but that’s just part of his charm. He’s a keen inventor and can spend hours, days, weeks, even months in his lab, working on his latest invention. Most of his inventions work, of course. But some days they just don’t. Have no fear, if something does not work, Talking Ben just puts it down to experience and moves on. Nothing goes to waste!
Ginger MTTTalking Ginger Talking Ginger is a young orange-and-white cat. He is a mischievous, fun-loving kitten. When Ginger is in the mood for some company, he loves to hang out with Talking Hank the most. To Ginger, Hank’s the most interesting person in the whole wide world.
Hank High Quality Talking Hank Talking Hank is a white dog with a blue spot around his left eye and blue paws. He’s goofy, he’s clumsy, and he’s got a short attention span, but he is still lovable. Hank’s a sweet guy with a ready smile and a big heart. And though this can make him a bit gullible from time to time, he always sees the funny side! Most days you’ll find him happily sitting on the couch (he loves TV with a fiery passion) but he’s always up for an adventure, even if he’s never 100% sure what’s going on!
Becca Talking Becca Talking Becca is a black rabbit with purple hair who is very independent and smart, and does not like to follow trends. Her hobbies and interests are never mainstream, which can make her feel distant and difficult to approach, but once someone gains her trust she will treat them like family. Her friends love her relaxed demeanor, which speaks to her confidence and candor. She understands how important it is to be yourself, but sometimes her directness can be off-putting or abrasive. Although she has a strong ego, she knows that nothing can compare to having a group of reliable friends. She is also Angela's biggest fan, and has a crush on Hank.
MyTalkingTom RoyRoy Rakoon Roy Rakoon is a deceptive, criminal raccoon who's greatest capital is his charm. He is great at manipulating to get what he wants. But sadly, manipulating and teasing others is not the same thing as having real friends. Roy Rakoon's endless demands won't make him any happier without the company of true friends. He made his debut in Talking Tom Gold Run.

Defunct and Other characters

2014-2015 PierreTalking Pierre Talking Pierre is a green bird with a yellow beak who is quite grumpy and annoying. He is a teenager, and he loves to act all independent. Having fun is the rule of the game for this parrot and Pierre follows it to the letter. His parties are legendary and one time even the police who intervened for breaking the curfew ended up having a blast! Talking Tom and Talking Ben are always trying to teach him manners, but Pierre will have none of that! He also loves computer games, and he is always bragging about his latest high score. Some say he cheats but Pierre just laughs and says: “It’s all in the wrist!”
GinaaTalking Gina Talking Gina is a brown and cream giraffe who is Ginger's best friend. She loves to play patty cake and eat strawberries, carrots and drink lemonade. She is a great listener and always gives out great advice. She is also great at having fun and you can always count on her to know where the party’s at. She loves to dance and you can bet she’s got the legs for it! Her pride and joy is a pack of baby giraffes and she takes them everywhere she goes. Camping, boating, cycling and more! Having fun is Gina’s number one priority, although she also loves to educate her younglings and show them beauties of the world.
SantaTalking Santa Talking Santa is a human with a red coat with white outlining and red pants with white shoes. Talking Santa is Talking Tom’s good friend and is quite close to Talking Ginger too. He always brings lots of presents and in return only asks for some cookies and milk.
LarryTalking Larry Talking Larry is a bird with feathers, blue eyes and black feet. He is quite unhappy most of the time, but not when he’s singing – he’s a genius whistler. He craves attention and loves applause.
Baby hippoTalking Baby Hippo Talking Baby Hippo is a purple baby hippo. Hippo is almost always happy and giggles to almost anything. He loves to blow up balloons and chew on his pacifier. He is also a big fan of butterflies.
HarryTalking Harry Talking Harry is a hedgehog with black spikes and grey skin. He loves peace and quiet, but he also loves energy drinks. Harry after drinking becomes very energetic so he either becomes a karate master or a bullet dodger.
LilaTalking Lila Talking Lila is a fairy with red hair, and light skin. She is into magic and has a passion for singing. She can make the flowers sing and she’s also very good with lady bugs. At night she can cast spells with magic bubbles and rearrange the stars. But sometimes the spells don’t work the way she wants them too.
John-0Talking Bacteria John Talking Bacteria John is a tiny bacterium with black eyes and is blue. John is kind but loves to spread germs. John also loves doughnuts, aspirin, multiplying and a good experiment. John seems to be a little bit weird and has a very hysterical laugh.
RexyTalking Rex Talking Rex, a massive dinosaur with rough, dark skin and orange eyes. He loves to play fetch and eat raw meat. He enjoys scaring people for fun, but he doesn't really hurt them. He will sometimes get into fights, but don’t worry, he is a born winner!
Talking RTalking Roby Talking Roby is an gold robot with red eyelids and green eyes. He is a dancing and piano-playing machine! He never misses a beat and can take a punch! He also loves a good soccer game, at least the part where he blows his air horn.


Talking Tom & Friends

Name Current/final icon Released Icon Representing
Talking Tom Cat (2010) RELAUNCHED
Talking Tom Cat (2010) 2012 icon
26 June 2010 Tom smiling in a white background.
Talking Baby Hippo


Talking baby hippo
16 July 2010 Baby Hippo smiling in a white background.
Talking Larry the Bird


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30 July 2010 Larry staring at the left on a tree in a green outline.
Talking Harry the Hedgehog


Harry new
20 August 2010 Harry wearing sunglasses in the meadow.
Talking Roby the Robot


27 October 2010 Roby smiling on a white background.
Talking Rex the Dinosaur


30 October 2010 Rex with mouth wide open in an orange background.
Talking Santa


430744 180
29 November 2010 Santa smiling in a hole.
Talking Bacteria John


Talking Bacteria John icon
7 December 2010 John smiling on the screen.
Talking Gina the Giraffe


19 February 2011 Gina smiling in a box.
Talking Lila the Fairy


19 March 2011 Lila grinning in a green background.
Talking Ben the Dog
29 April 2011 Ben calling someone.
Talking Tom Cat 2
Unnamed (1)
27 May 2011 Tom smiling with a purple polo.
Talking Pierre the Parrot
Talking Pierre
4 August 2011 Pierre smiling in a blue background.
Talking Tom & Ben News
Talking Tom and Ben News icon
15 October 2011 Tom And Ben smiling in a blue box.
Talking Santa Meets Ginger


3 December 2011 Santa with Ginger in a hole.
Tom's Love Letters


Tom's Love Letters new icon 2
28 January 2012 Tom and Angela smiling in a heart holed box.
Tom's Messenger


Tom's Messenger HQ
27 April 2012 Tom Smiling in a speech bubble.
Tom Loves Angela


Tom Loves Angela
6 June 2012 Tom and Angela smiling in a wedding style.
Talking Ginger
Talking Ginger
12 August 2012 Ginger smiling in a blue background.
Talking Friends Superstars


23 November 2012 Tom as a shadow with three stars.
I Want To Be Big


4 December 2012 Ginger begging on the icon.
Talking Angela
Talking Angela (app)
18 December 2012 Angela smiling in a pink background.
My Learn Go ITunesArtwork 6 January 2013 Angela smiling in a rainbow background besides the letters M and L.
Angela's Valentine


25 January 2013 Angela next to a heart.
Talking Friends Cartoons


13 February 2013 Ben, Angela, and Tom above the Talking Friends logo.
Talking Ginger 2
Talking Ginger 2
8 April 2013 Ginger smiling beside the number "2".
My Talking Tom
My Talking Tom
11 November 2013 Tom smiling in a green background.
My Talking Angela
My Talking Angela
3 December 2014 Angela smiling in a pink background.
Talking Tom for Messenger


25 March 2015 Tom inside a box with the Messenger logo.
Talking Tom Jetski


Talking Tom Jetski
8 October 2015 Tom smiling while riding on a jetski.
Talking Tom Bubble Shooter


Talking Tom Bubble Shooter
15 December 2015 Tom, Angela, and Hank looking frustrated in an olive background.
Talking Tom Cat (2016)
Talking Tom Cat
6 April 2016 Tom smiling in a white background.
Talking Tom Gold Run
TTGR 2023 Icon
13 July 2016 Tom smiling while holding a piece of gold in a blue background.
My Talking Hank


11 January 2017 Baby Hank in a basket in an orange background.
Talking Tom Camp


3 February 2017 Tom looking frustrated while holding a water gun.
Talking Angela Color Splash


23 May 2017 Angela smiling in a blue background.
Talking Tom Pool


22 November 2017 Tom and Angela bumping into each other with floaties.
Talking Tom Jetski 2


Unnamed (2)
31 May 2018 Tom and Angela on jetskis.
Talking Tom Cake Jump


19 June 2018 Tom jumping on cake as if it was a trampoline.
Talking Tom Candy Run


16 August 2018 Tom smiling while running.
Talking Tom Jump Up


23 August 2018 Tom smiling while in a bubble on a rope.
My Talking Tom 2
My Talking Tom 2 V3 Icon
6 November 2018 Baby Tom sad beside the number "2".
Talking Tom Farts


5 December 2018 Tom was shy while farting.
Talking Tom Fun Fair


16 January 2019 Tom smiling while riding a carousel.
Talking Tom Splash Force


8 April 2019 Tom smiling while holding a water balloon in a blue background.
Talking Tom Hero Dash
TTHD Current Icon
4 June 2019 Tom in his superhero costume in a red background.
Talking Tom Sky Run
22 November 2019 Tom and squeak smiling in a plane.
My Talking Tom Friends
13 February 2020 Tom, Angela and Ginger smiling on a yellow background.
Talking Tom Blast Park


TTBP arcade icon
8 October 2020 (soft launch)
5 December 2024 (Apple Arcade/iOS Global launch)
Tom smiling with Power Plunger and a raccoon.
My Talking Angela 2
MTA2 Icon
24 March 2021 (soft launch)
13 July 2021 (Worldwide)
Angela smiling with purple hair besides the number "2".
My Talking Tom+
11 August 2022 Tom smiling in a red background.
Talking Tom Time Rush
29 November 2022 Tom smiling with gold.
Talking Ginger Coloring
4 May 2023 (soft launch)

TBA (global launch)

Ginger being painted with four colours.
Talking Ben AI


29 August 2023 Ben's head next to the word "AI".
My Talking Angela 2+
8 September 2023 Angela smiling with purple hair besides the number "2" on a red background.
My Talking Hank: Islands
My Talking Hank Islands 2024 Icon
9 November 2023 (soft launch)
4 July 2024 (global launch)
Hank smiling behind his island.
Talking Ginger Playground
21 November 2023 Ginger smiling with a Zebra and a Firefighter on a blue background.
My Talking Tom 2 Lite


9 April 2024 Baby Tom sad on a red and peach gradient background beside the number "2".
Talking Tom & Friends: World
Talking Tom & Friends World New Icon From Outfit7
16 May 2024 Tom, Angela and Ben smiling on a blue background.
My Talking Tom Friends 2
4 December 2024 Tom, Angela and Hank smiling on a blue background with the number "2".


Name Logo Premiere Finale
Talking Friends
June 8, 2012 August 31, 2012
Talking Tom Shorts
March 13, 2014 TBA
Talking Tom Shorts: Epic Runs
August 24, 2023 January 18, 2024
Talking Tom and Friends
Talking Tom & Friends Logo
December 23, 2014 December 24, 2021
Talking Tom Brainfarts
Talking Tom's Brainfarts
July 16, 2015 April 6, 2017
Talking Tom Vlogs
TTV Image
September 14, 2017 September 20, 2017
Talking Tom and Friends Minis
TTAFM 2021 Logo
December 27, 2015 July 4, 2018
Talking Tom Heroes
April 26, 2019 December 16, 2021
Talking Tom Heroes: Suddenly Supper
2025 TBA
Talking Tom & Friends Pets!
July 16, 2023 March 21, 2024
Talking Ginger's Scribblemania
November 6, 2014 January 22, 2015
Talking Ginger Learns and Explores
September 4, 2014 January 29, 2016
Talking Ginger’s Bedtime Story
August 21, 2014 August 21, 2014
Talking Ginger's Story Time
Talking Ginger Story Time s1 main image
December 17, 2015 November 17, 2016
Talking Tom and Friends Minisodes
Minisodes Thumbnail
February 5, 2015 February 4, 2016
Talking Angela's Lifestyle Vlog
Talking Angrla Image1
January 22, 2015 April 9, 2021
Talking Angela's Specials
Talking Angela's Specials Image
November 14, 2014 September 26, 2018
Talking Angela's Cool Tips
Talking Angela's Cool Tips Image
March 24, 2016 November 10, 2016
Talking Angela's Yummy Recipes
Talking Angela's Yummy Recipes Image
February 25, 2016 December 14, 2016
Talking Angela: In the City
October 21, 2023 TBA
Talking Hank's Adventure Guide: Island Living
June 26, 2024 TBA

