Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Talking Ben Has a Son?! is a special in Talking Tom and Friends consisting of the Daddy Ben (Season 1, Episode 36) and Garage Feast Day (Season 2, Episode 16)


Did you know that Talking Ben has a son? 😲 It’s true! But it’s not exactly what you think… 😜 Tune in and find out for yourself in this special two-episode collection from Talking Tom & Friends! 📺 It all starts when Ben finds an old computer in the garage… 💽 And then, well, you know what happens when Ben’s inventions are involved! 🤯 Things get CRAZY! 😅


Daddy Ben[]

Ben finds a primitive tablet in the storage room. He remembers it as the program he couldn't get to work. Upon opening the tablet he finds a marshmallow stuck to the mainframe and removes it. The program begins to work and an artificial intelligence appears, calling himself Boomerang. It had the personality of a baby.

By midday, Boomerang's brain had evolved into a child of Ginger's age, so he liked playing with him. At four hours old, it had evolved into a preteen. Tom and Ben wanted to go to the roller skate park, and Boomerang wanted to come with them. Ben refused, but Boomerang started to complain, so he decided to invite him to the cafe instead.

At the cafe, Ben explained how he made Boomerang, and they discuss the air-conditioning unit and Boomerang's self-image. Tom enters the cafe from the Rollerskate Pit, when Boomerang begins to update into young adult mode. However, Boomerang had reached his hardware limitations, and was starting to shut down from overload. Tom suggests transferring Booomerang into Ben's phone, but Ben was worried that he would not be able to protect him once he accesses the internet. However, it must be done, so Ben plugs in his phone and sends Boomerang into the internet.

Garage Feast Day[]

The friends were preparing for a garage feast day, a day where they eat everything in the fridge to prevent food waste. Ben announces that Boomerang was going to be a guest during this feast. However, when he arrives, he introduces her girlfriend Dottie: an old printer. Boomerang also announces that he has taken up art as a hobby.

Ben visits the museum to view his masterpieces. He is frustrated that Boomerang was into art instead of science, and tries to reprogram him, but Tom tells him that it is not a good idea.

At the garage feast, the friends were about to eat the food prepared by Hank, when Ben makes a comment on Boomerang's girlfriend and his art. Boomerang and Ben break out into argument, then a food fight. Hank gets sad that hours of work went into waste, while Dottie and Boomerang leave.

Ben was sad that he ruined Garage Feast Day. Tom reminds him how lucky he is to have a computer son in the first place. Ben realises he had to make things right. He finds Boomerang at the museum, who was shredding his art. Ben apologizes for trying to tell Boomerang how to live his life. He presents a painting that he made with leftover food scraps. Boomerang accepts the apology.





  • "Garage Feast Day" is Boomerang's first and only appearence in Season 2.
  • Ben says he finds love complicated and icky, but he had dated the moon episodes earlier.


There's nothing here!
Hank's Hill

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