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Don't eat my sandwich!
Of course not.
— Ginger and Hank

Super Vacuum is the 4th minisode of the Talking Tom and Friends Minisodes.


Hank, Ginger, a vacuum cleaner, and a sandwich. Hmm… What is going to happen?


Hank was doing chores and vacuuming the Garage when Ginger entered the room, and he noticed Ginger had a delicious sandwich. So, he gets Ginger to vacuum for him while Hank eats the sandwich. Eventually, Ginger caught him eating his sandwich and vacuumed it out of Hank's hands. Hank scolds Ginger, claiming he should respect him more because he was older. Angry, Ginger turns on the vacuum and sucks Hank in. Hank was trapped in the vacuum cleaner, but he sees the dusty sandwich. He was about to eat it when Ginger hits reverse, spewing out the sandwich. He then sees the dust on it and throws it away. He walks away with Hank still trapped.





  • This is the second longest minisode (2:22), the longest is "Stop Copying Me" (2:34).

In Other Languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Portuguese Super Aspirador de Pó Super Vacuum Cleaner
Russian Супер-пылесос Super Cleaner
Spanish Súper Aspiradora Super Vacuums
Lithuania Mano Blogas Super-Siurblis! My Bad Super-Vacuum!/My Naughty Super-Vacuum!

