Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

(The episode begins with Tom doing a duck face.)

Tom: Don't do duck face, please!

(A picture of a literal duck face is shown.)

Tom: This is the only acceptable duck face.

(Theme song plays)

Tom: Did you know that when the first official selfie was made in 1839, you had to stand in front of the camera for like three minutes, completely still?

(A flashback of Tom disguised as someone taking a selfie appears. Tom sneezes, and a selfie gets taken.)

Tom: And behold, the first-ever duck face selfie. (duck plays) Nowadays, it's much easier to take a selfie. Especially if you have a selfie stick, which is also really good for self-defense. Or, as I call it: "Selfie-defense".

(Scene cuts to a martial arts studio with Tom doing "selfie-defense" acts.)

Tom: The other cool thing about a selfie stick is: (camera zooms out) you can expand it! And take selfies from the distance you want!

(Camera zooms out to outside the garage.)

Tom: Isn't that cool?

(Camera zooms out to outer space.)

Tom: Huh?

(Satellite crashes into the camera.)

Tom: Oops! Satellite! Another great tip, use emotions in your selfies. For example:

(A picture of Tom and Angela in a picnic doing emotions is shown.)

Tom: This is happiness.

(A picture of a flashback from How To Be a Genius is shown.)

Tom: This is a fear of spiders. Ugh!

(A picture of Tom sitting on a toilet appears.)

Tom: This is an unpleasant surprise.

(A picture of Tom being shocked in the bathroom appears. Scary music also plays.)

Tom: And this is horror! But even more horrifying is that new emotion called:

(A picture of a literal duck face appears. A duck sound is also played.)

Tom: Duck face! And because you don't wanna make boring selfies, here's another tip: Every selfie is better with a celebrity! Here, let me help you.

(A picture of Tom and a cardboard cutout with an arrow pointing at it saying "This could be you" appears.)

Tom: Oh, and always make sure that you have something cool on the background. Like,

(Tom is seen illustrating various backgrounds.)

Tom: A beautiful sunset, a robot army, THE WORLD! Oh, look! There's you, And you, A-and you, Oh, wow! I just made a selfie of us all! Houston, we have a problem. This video is ending. Now go out there and be awesome in your selfies! See you next time!

Tom: Subscribe to my channel!

(Tom crashes into a satellite.)

Tom: Ooh! Satellite! Ugh! Houston? Houston? Houston!

(Credits roll)
