Tom: Hands. Aren't they useful? You can use them to play games!
(Scene cuts to Tom playing a game, demonstrating the use of hands.)
Tom: Who's the top cat? I'm the cat! I'm the top cat, yeah!
Tom: Or even, (whispering) pick your nose!
Tom: No! Don't do it! Agh! Agh! I can't fight it! Aaah! Oh, what the heck?! Ah, feels good...
Tom: Ugh! Gross.
(Theme song plays)
Tom: You can use your hands for all kinds of things. And what's better is that you have not one, but two. Your very own pair of-
Tom: (sings) Helping Hands! Helping Hands!
Look out! Helping Hands, yeah!
Tom: With your own pair of hands, you can direct traffic!
(Tom is seen directing traffic. A car crash occurs.)
Tom: (sings) Helping Hands, yeah!
Tom: Your hands can give someone directions.
German Tom: Guten tag! Do you know how to get to the airport?
Tom: I sure do! It's that way! (points to pit)
German Tom: Wunderbar! You're so helpful. Bye!
Tom: Anytime, pal, anytime!
(German Tom screaming and falling)
Tom: Or is it that way? (points to airport)
Tom: (sings) Look out! Helping Hands, yeah!
Tom: You can unlock someone's phone for them.
Tom: (as someone) This new MyPhone 6 is great! Ah, but I can't remember my PIN!
Tom: Let me see if I can help unlock it!
Tom: (as someone) Okay, but be careful! If you get it wrong three times-
Tom: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's see! Nope! No! Hohoho, that's wrong too. Sorry!
Tom: (as someone) You idiot! I'm completely locked out! I can't use it anymore! NOOOOOOOO!
Tom: Hey, wasn't me. It was my-
Tom: (sings) Helping Hands! Helping Hands!
Look out, Helping Hands, yeah!
Tom: And why not even conduct an orchestra?
Tom: (as band member) Oh no! The concert is supposed to start now, but the conductor is still in the bathroom! (farts)
Tom: Have no fear, everyone! My hands are here.
Tom: (as band member) You've conducted before, right? (farts)
Tom: Hahahaha, maybe.
(Tom conducts an orchestra, with humourous sounds.)
Tom: Do you know any other great things you can only do with your hands? Let me know in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe, using your-
Tom: (sings) Helping Hands! Helping Hands!
Look out! Helping Hands, yeah!
(Credits roll)
Tom: (sings) Helping Hands, Helping Hands.
Helping Hands, Helping Hands.
Helping Hands, yeah, Helping Hands.
Look out, here comes the Helping hands.
Helping Hands, yeah!