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Mega Music Party is the 8th episode of Season 2 of Talking Tom Shorts.


It’s party time! And Talking Tom, Talking Angela, and Talking Hank are making it EXTRA EPIC by pumping up the volume on the tunes. But the party goes from WOOHOO to WOAH in the twist of a dial when the volume on Tom’s new speakers gets way too loud. Can they figure out a way to keep the party vibes pumping, but dial the sound down before the soundwaves blow them all away?!


Hank opens up a jello pudding, and brings it outside to the backyard. He puts it on the table with all the other jello puddings. Tom and Angela run out of the house, and began to dance battle happily. Tom is doing funny dances; Angela and Hank laughed at his dances, thinking they were silly. While Tom was dancing, he does a spin, but he spins too fast and bumps into the boomboxes, and this causes them to shut down and break beyond repair. Tom falls to the ground after spinning rapidly. Then he gets up and screams in agony. Angela hands Tom her phone. Tom sees a boombox on the online store, but he scrolls down, then is surprised to have found a giant boombox, so he calls and purchases it. Angela and Hank were confused by the propeller winding sound. Then a helicopter carrying two giant boomboxes dropped them on the ground. Tom was happy, but then startles when he finds a box that was dropped by the helicopter team. He reaches a lever and pushes it, and the sound from the boomboxes' volume began to wind up. Then Tom, Hank, Angela, and the pets began dancing, enjoying the music. Hank was dancing with jello. When Gus jumped from some jello to the lever, he accidently lands on the lever, making the music louder, which pushes them tries to get to the switch to deactivate it, but he gets hit by several objects, such as a piece of a clown painting, a heavy metal object, and a piano. Then he uses forks to stick into the ground and reach the music switch. He eventually manages to switch the device off to quiet. Then Tom relaxes, but he accidentally pushes the lever on the switch, and it activates the music to maximum volume. Tom was scared and cowers down, but then he sighs of relief, only to have been tricked. The giant boomboxes were too loud and the sound force began to fling Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, a tree. And almost the house. as well as the pets. Angela was cross with Tom, but Tom just winked in nervousness. Hank tried to get the Jello with his tongue, but as they landed, and tried to get the pets, Squeak lands in Hank's jello, and slurps it all. That gives Tom an idea as they watched the boomboxes going loud. Tom takes his phone out, scrolls down, and purchases a giant jello carried by another helicopter. The jello is dropped it on the boomboxes. Then the film cam records the boomboxes covered by the jello, as the crowd watching the scene in the newscasting cam cheers. The team and the pets cheer. But then Tom was forced by someone to clean up the music party, while Hank was brooming. Hank secretly ate a bit of the jello, which made the strong music come out, and he got pushed backwards.





Talking Tom Shorts - Mega Music Party (Season 2 Episode 8)
