How to Make Friends is the 8th episode of Talking Tom's Brainfarts.
Talking Tom's back for another hilarious Brainfart! This time it's all about friends and friendship, both real and imaginary!
Tom starts the video by telling the viewers how to make friends. The clip cuts to Tom with a plunger on his mouth and he is tied up. Tom appears as a shadow saying that he attends the same class as him. the same hobbies, then laughs. Then says that their wearing the same clothes. The clip cuts back to Tom tied up, Tom asks the Other Tom to be his friend. The Other Tom says ''No'', Tom then says ''The greatest friend for ever and ever.'', then says ''HAAAAA??'' The clip cuts back to Tom saying ''yuck! creepy!'' and then asks to not do that. He then says that the viewer can make someone be friends. But then asks if friends can be made. The clip cuts to Tom and a Wood with eyes on a bench in a forest. Tom asks the Wood how he feels. But one of his eyes falls out. The clip cuts back to Tom, but here, the picture changed from Hank to the Wood. Tom says you cannot despair, but you can have imaginary friends. Then Tom mentions someone named Bob, The clip cuts to Tom playing baseball with Bob, theres also one tree. Three hours later, it is nighttime, and Tom asks Bob to throw it already. The clip cuts to Tom playing games with Bob. Tom then says ''Here's a message from Bob :'' and then names Patrick and Tim and other people that you cannot make friends or make people be your friend. Because they are hard to leave and impossible to forget. Then says that true friends are respectful for the way you are. No matter how weird the audience is, a rewind sound overlays Tom's speech, Tom says to trust him. Saying that we all are a bit weird, calling his friends ''not as perfect'' Or. He then calls Angela perfect, but not weird. The clip cuts to Tom as a Heart with a Red/White Heart Background while singing a song. He asks the audience to stay in the video, because Bob will say what his secret talent is, he can tap dance. The camera flips to the shoe tap-dancing, Bob's tap dancing overlays the outro music. After that, the episode ends.
- Tom
- Angela (cardboard cut-out)
- Hank (pictured, cardboard cut-out)
- Ben (cardboard cut-out)
- Ginger (cardboard cut-out)
- Bob (debut)
- Patrick (debut, mentioned)
- Wood (debut)
- Tim (mentioned)
- This is the first appearance of Wood, Patrick and Bob.
- This is also the first time Tim is mentioned.
- One scene, there is a PS4 controller on the couch while Tom was playing a video game.