(The episode starts with the homework chasing him.)
Tom: (scared) It's here! (Homework breaks the wall, Tom runs)
Tom: Aaaah!
Tom: Oh, thank goodness. It was only a nightmare. I thought my homework was chasing me.
Tom: But luckily, that's something I don't have to worry about anymore.
Tom: You know why?
Tom: Because I figured out how to get homework done as quickly and easily as possible!
(Theme song plays)
Tom: First things first, don't let anything distract you.
Tom: Just one second...
(Tom walks offscreen.)
Step #1[]
Tom: Step one: gather up all your school stuff!
(Yoyo, phone and school stuff appear.)
Tom: Now that you've got all your materials, it's time for...
Tom: (looks down, worried) Oh no, look at this mess. Better straighten this stuff up first.
Tom: There, that's more like it.
Tom: Okay, to begin with, the most important thing about homework is that... (phone rings)
Tom: Oh, no, my phone is only at ninety-nine percent!
Tom: I better charge this before I start any homework or it might die on me! (walks offscreen)
Tom: Okay, so the first thing about homework is... (gets hungry)
Tom: Whoa, did you hear that? I should eat or I won't be able to concentrate!
Tom: Ben, help me out, toss me some brain food, buddy.
Tom: Ben, I said brain food, not grain food!
Tom: Not plain food!
Tom: Oh, come on! This is just a toaster. What am I supposed to do with that?
Tom: (gasps) Wait a minute, this gives me an idea!
(Music plays, note appears)
Tom: Man, this is delicious. Toast and oatmeal!
Tom: That's what this video was about, right?
Tom: Oh, yeah! It's supposed to be about homework or something.
Tom: Okay, so here's the first step, you want to read over all the - oh, sorry, I really need to use the bathroom.
Tom: Just give me one second, I'll be right back! (walks offscreen)
Tom: Okay, now we're - whoa! Uh, oh, I forgot to wash my hands! (walks offscreen)
Step #2[]
Tom: All done, finally. Now when it comes to homework, you need to focus! (sign appears, Tom focuses on it)
Tom: Focus. Focus.
Tom: (gets tired) Focus. Focus... (sleeps)
Step #3[]
Tom: Oh, sorry! I was pretty exhausted after all that excitement.
Tom: A power nap does magic, (yawns) and is essential for your homework. (sleeps)
Tom: Just five more minutes. (lights turn off)
Tom: (Two hours later) Alright, doesn't everyone feel better now?!
Tom: And hey, my phone battery is at a hundred and twenty percent now.
Tom: Fully charged! This means we can finally move on to the homework itself!
Tom: So, the most important thing about homework is...
Tom: Err... Ben!
Tom: Oops, there's no more time. We might not have covered everything,
Tom: but now you know if you prepare well, your homework just flies by!
(Homework flies by)
Tom: Until next time, thanks for tuning in!
Tom: Don't forget to subscribe, before you do your homework.
Tom: And your homework is to subscribe.
(Homework appears on screen, credits roll)