Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Tom: Welcome to Talking Tom's Brainfarts on your favourite YouTube channel.

Tom: I hope it's your favourite.

Tom: If it's not, please give me a chance.

Tom: (begging) PLEASE!

Tom: I want to talk about something very important today.

Tom: Something that might change your life.

Tom: Do I have your attention?

Tom: Today, I will teach you how to become...

Tom: A genius! (evil laugh)

(Theme song plays)

Tom: People keep asking me: Tom, how do you get so many wonderful ideas?

Tom: Well, some people do, but they should ask me more often.

Tom: Because you all know I have great ideas. Things just fly into my head.

(Tablet shows Tom getting punched.)

Tom: No, not that way. Can we get over that please?

Tom: I've done so many awesome things over the years.

Tom: I have my own show, I've created apps and all of this is made possible by one simple talent.

Tom: I'm able to think outside the box.

(Image shows Tom on a box.)

Tom: No, that's not what I mean.

Tom: I was speaking metaphorically...

Tom: Metaforcalcy...

Tom: Forcalcy...

Tom: Foracalacaly...

Tom: You know...

Tom: What I'm trying to say is that many people are scared of new ideas.

Tom: (light bulb appears) Aaah, a new idea!

Tom: But not me,

Tom: I'm not scared of the dark, though.

Tom: And spiders.

Tom: But not ideas.

Tom: Unless I have an idea about a spider in the dark...

(Lights turn off)

Tom: Yuk!

Tom: But new ideas, that's what I excel in. Let me give you an example.

News Broadcaster: Throughout history, people of all nations were trying to find a solution to the eternal question:

News Broadcaster: How can you build a better mousetrap?

Tom: So they say, nobody knows who these people were or why they weren't happy with their old mousetraps,

Tom: but I read on the internet that everyone wanted a better one.

Tom: And if it's online, it must be true.

Tom: So, I had this idea the other day. An "out of the box" idea.

Tom: (to Ben) Don't show the picture, Ben!

Tom: Thanks!

Tom: The best mousetrap might be one that wasn't a trap at all.

Tom: Here's my idea: instead of taking a piece of cheese and putting it in a trap,

Tom: just give the cheese to the mouse.

Tom: Crazy, right? But that's why it will work!

Tom: At first the mouse will be sceptical... it will think: "where's the catch?"

Tom: But then it will try the cheese. And it will be good...

Tom: (as mouse) Gauda, my favourite cheese!

Tom: (laughs) A little salty, but sweet at the same time...

Tom: Now I want some cheese.

Tom: I should remember not to do these kind of shows before dinner.

Tom: Anyway, the mouse will be really happy! It will think that it's found a new friend.

Tom: Someone who will give it cheese every day.

Tom: But then after a few days, you stop giving cheese to the mouse.

Tom: No apologies, no explanations, and no cheese.

Tom: The mouse will be like: "Where is cheese?! I thought you were my friend".

Tom: And it will leave your house, never to return again.

Tom: So there you have it! That's my idea for a better mousetrap.

Tom: And it will work too.

Tom: After all, I put it online, and if it's online, it must be true!

Tom: What about you? Do you have a better idea for a better mousetrap?

Tom: Do you?

Tom: I dare you to come up with one!

Tom: So, come up with your own epic mousetrap idea, and then tell me all about it in the comments below.

Tom: And remember to always think outside the box.

Tom: (to Ben) OK, Ben, you can show that picture one more time. I know you want to. Happy?

Tom: Okay, guys, If you liked this video, click the subscribe button.

Tom: And you can also ask me a question in the comments below.

Tom: With a bit of luck, I'll answer your question in one of the next videos.

(Credits roll)
