Tom: This is my show so I can pretty much do whatever I want...
Tom: Do you want to feel like you can do whatever you want?
Tom: Let me tell you a little secret - it all comes down to your attitude, your views on life
Tom: and how you communicate with others.
Tom: It all comes down to your coolness.
Tom: That's why I'm gonna teach you how to be cool.
(Theme song plays)
Step I: Think Cool[]
Tom: If you wanna be cool, you first have to act cool!
Tom: To do that, you have to believe that you can do anything.
Tom: Can I?
Tom: Well, if you think cool, you totally can!
Tom: So say it! Say it confidently!
Tom: Yes, I can!
Tom: Say it again!
Tom: Yes, I can!
Tom: Can you?
Tom: I don't know, can I?
Tom: Of course, you can!
Tom: Of course, I can!
Tom: Why?
Tom: (acts nervously) B-b... because I'm king of the world?
Tom: And if you're not,
Tom: Huh?
Tom: never fear! Then just fake it till you make it. How cool is that!?!
Step II: Look Cool[]
Tom: To be cool, you have to look cool!
Tom: Now you're probably thinking: clothes and cool outfits?
Tom: You don't need them. Throw them away.
Tom: Seriously?
Tom: Yep, you just have to feel comfortable in your own skin.
(Tom is seen taking pictures of himself.)
Tom: (acts nervously) You do actually need clothes... you know... for warmth...
Tom: ...and to ensure that there's always enough work for...
Tom: (as fashion police) Freeze in the name of good taste. You are under arrest!
Tom: Anything you wear can and will be used against you.
Tom: We demand you speak to a stylist. Just not to Ben.
Tom: Never EVER talk about fashion with Ben...
Tom: I listened to his fashion advice once...
Tom: ...and I ended up going to a party dressed like a total idiot.
(Tom is seen wearing pajamas.)
Tom: I owned it! I made it look cool!
(Tom is seen celebrating.)
Step III: Act Cool[]
Tom: You have to act cool.
Tom: I've made a list of things to avoid if you want to be cool.
Tom: For example: don't be angry... em... rude... obsessed... em... cowardly...
Tom: Ben, can we get a much shorter list?
Tom: Here it is. If you want to be cool, don't be NOT cool.
Tom: If that doesn't work, I have a little additional trick I want to share with you...
Tom: To add to your cool, you can raise one of your eyebrows, lower, your voice...
Tom: And only speak in one liners!
Tom: When the teacher asks you why you were late, don't just say...
Tom: (acts nervously) I went to the little boys room.
Tom: (acts cool) I was in the... toilet!
Tom: Instead of saying:
Tom: (acts nervously) ...would you... em... khm... give me your number, or whatever heh...
Tom: to someone you have a crush on, you say:
Tom: (acts cool) Here's my number. Call me!
Tom: If you break your curfew and your parents have stayed up late to wait for you
Tom: don't be afraid... just walk up to them and say:
Tom: (acts cool) I am probably... grounded!
Tom: Do you have any awesome ideas on how to be cool?
Tom: (as fashion police) Let me know in the comments, and feel free to subscribe!
(Credits roll)