(An advertisement for the GlovePhone appears.)
GlovePhone Narrator: It's a glove, it's a phone, it's both!
GlovePhone Narrator: It's the GlovePhone!
GlovePhone Narrator: (music stops) GlovePhone - talk to the hand!
Tom: Some of you are already familiar with the greatest tech gadget of all time.
Ginger: (flashback) Talk to the hand!
Tom: Ginger actually has one, but he didn't want to share it last time.
Ginger: (flashback) Oh, I don't know.
Tom: Fortunately, he got bored with it pretty quickly and lent it to me, i-in exchange for uh, a bag of candy.
(Theme song plays)
Tom: And here it is - the GlovePhone! (drumroll) First, the unboxing.
(Tom looks down. The desk only has the GlovePhone.)
Tom: Ben, where is the box?
(Scene repeats.)
Tom: First, the unboxing.
Tom: Uh, huh, OK, that's the manual,
Tom: Oh, charger's there, where is it? Uh, (fanfare) Uh, huh.
(Advertisement repeats.)
GlovePhone Narrator: GlovePhone - (music stops) talk to the hand!
Tom: (surprised) Wow, isn't it amazing! Now, the GlovePhone won't work unless you wear it.
Tom: Clearly, this is a kids' size GlovePhone, and my hand is slightly bigger.
(Tom struggles to wear the GlovePhone.)
Tom: Uh!
(Advertisement repeats.)
GlovePhone Narrator: GlovePhone - (music stops) talk to the hand!
Tom: And it's on! It's a little tight, but, (GlovePhone turns on) it works!
Tom: (mail icon appears) The holographic display, (mail icon disappears) the voice commands, and, did you know that the GlovePhone has a camera on the tip of the finger?
Tom: Just point and shoot! (camera click)
(An image with Tom doing a reaction appears.)
(Advertisement repeats.)
GlovePhone Narrator: GlovePhone - (music stops)
Hank: (flashback) Talk to the hand!
Tom: A great feature of the GlovePhone is a gesture-activated social commenting.
(A picture of a flashback appears.)
Tom: Here's a picture my friend posted, and I can give it a thumbs up.
(Tom does a thumbs up, and the post gets a reaction from him.)
Tom: Just like that!
Tom: But let's not forget that the GlovePhone is still a phone, so let's call somebody! Angela, maybe!
Tom: (to the GlovePhone) Call Angela.
(GlovePhone beeps.)
Angela: (in the phone) I'm not home right now, I'm most likely in the studio recording my new song, or relaxing in a yoga class.
Angela: Or maybe the guys made me so mad, I went for ice cream. Ooh, I could be shopping!
(Video fast forwards.)
Angela: Wait, what was I saying? Oh, yeah! Just leave me a message after the tone, and I'll get back to you. Ciao! (call ends)
Tom: Alright, well, maybe Hank will answer. (to the GlovePhone) Call Hank.
(GlovePhone beeps.)
Nervous Henry: (in the phone) Yes?
Tom: Hi, this is Tom, talk to the hand!
Nervous Henry: (in the phone) You talkin' to me?
Tom: Yeah, Hank, I'm talking to you. Well, actually, my glove is! Haha!
Nervous Henry: (in the phone) Why do you call me "Hank", only my mother calls me "Hank"! My name is Nervous Henry, and I'm the heavyweight wood-chopping champion of the north. Are you challenging me? Huh? Are you? (call ends)
Tom: Oops, uh, wrong number! Well, you've seen it for yourself.
Tom: The GlovePhone works like a charm, (battery drains) apart from the battery, which runs out pretty quickly.
(Advertisement repeats.)
GlovePhone Narrator: GlovePhone - (music stops) talk to the hand!
Tom: It's stuck to my hand. Gotta... get... this... thing... off!
(The GlovePhone gets dropped. It gets destroyed.)
Tom: Oops! Well, thanks for watching! I'll be back real soon with more cool stuff. Subscribe to my channel! Bye!
(Credits roll)