Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Cold Open[]

(The episode begins with Tom, Angela, Ben, and Hank in the garage.)

Angela: What is this junk? (referring to a VHS tape)

Tom: This junk is the most mind-blowingly cool idea I've ever come up with.

Ben: And the most mind-blowingly cool machine I've ever made.

Hank: Wow! And you made look just like that junky VHS player we found in the alley behind the abandoned video store. What are the odds?

Ben: Well, it is! But thanks to my intricate modifications it's now a high-tech gadget the allows you to rewind the very fabric of time, and travel back to the past!

Tom: It's called the Time Rewinder!

Hank: Can it still play old videotapes?

Ben: Of course, it can!

Tom: Duh!

Hank: Mind blown.

Angela: Ooh, let's try it! I wanna go back in time and meet Cleopatra. I would love to borrow one of her snake arm bands.

Ben: Well, there's not enough room on this tape to record that much history. But I do have the last few years of our lives on here. (clears throat) Allow me to demonstrate.

(Ben from the future appears.)

Ben 1: Stop!

[Everyone shouts in surprise]

Scientist Ben: Whatever you do, do not press the rewind button!

Ben: Who are you?

Scientist Ben: I'm you from the future. A mistake you made on the tape loading roller caused severe problems in the future.

(Another Ben appears.)

Cool Ben: Wrong! All wrong! I'm you from the future's future, and I've come to fix your boneheaded mistake.

(Another Ben appears in the "cleaner" outfit from The Germinator)

Cleaner Ben: You're all wrong! (facepalms) Am I the only future Ben who understands quantum mechanics?

(Another Ben appears in the "general" outfit from Parallel Universe.)

General Ben: Out of the way, dummies! General Ben is here!

Angela: Ok, this is just confusing now.

Tom: Ben...

Ben: Uh-uh, "Ben Prime"...

Tom: (nervous laugh) Can I have a word with you?

(Tom and Ben leave.)

(One of the Bens attempt to press the button.)

General Ben: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. Don't press that button!

(All four Bens argue.)

Tom: I'm sorry, I've changed my mind, this thing should not exist, but I've come up with an idea! We have to go back in time to before I came up with this idea, and make sure that I never come up with this idea.

Ben: I don't know Tom, with all the adjustments these Bens made, the rewinder might be too dangerous now.

General Ben: No, no and no! You've all made a mess of things!

Tom: I think that's a chance we'll have to take. (Tom pushes away the Bens and takes the Time Rewinder.) Out of the way, step back.

Ben Prime: What? Wait-

(Tom hits the button, transporting him and Ben to another time.)

Angela: Uhh...

Scientist Ben: Oh!

Angela: What?

(An elderly Ben appears.)

Old Ben: Halt! I- (coughs) I am from the futurest future of all.

Hank: You're late.

(theme song)

Angela's Secret[]

(Scene cuts to Angela's apartment during the events of Angela's Secret.)

Reporter: We interrupt with breaking news. The Banana Berry Bandit has struck again!

(everyone gasps)

(Ginger is in the kitchen.)

Ginger: Um, guys?

Tom: (stutters) Hold on, Ginger.

Reporter: The Banana Berry Bandit could be anyone. It could be your friend. Or your girlfriend.

Ginger: Guys, seriously!

Tom: What is so important that you had to (spots kitchen) Whaaat?!

(The cabinets are full of fruit, to which the friends assume were stolen.)

Tom: Oh no! Do you realize what this means?

(Tom Prime and Ben Prime appear in the bedroom.)

Tom Prime: Wow, it worked!

Ben Prime: Of course it worked, give me that! (takes VHS from Tom)

Tom Prime: Where are we? This isn't the garage. (gasps) We're in Angela's apartment!

Tom: Let's not jump to conclusions, for all we know, this could be one big coincidence!

Ben: You're absolutely right, Tom. I'm sure this isn't what it looks like.

Tom: Who are we kidding, Ben? Angela's the Banana Berry Bandit, we all know it.

Ginger: So where are you guys gonna go when we run from the law?

Tom: No one's running from anything. Angela is our friend, we cannot just hand her over to the police.

Tom Prime: No, no no no no no. This isn't far back enough, Ben. I thought about the Time Rewinder way before this uh, um, m-misunderstanding.

Ben Prime: I know, I know, but look, we can't make it that far back in one rewind. Now stay low so we don't see us while this thing cools down.

Tom Prime: How could we ever think that Angela was a thief?

Tom: Look, even if she is guilty, we have to help her.

Ben: And how are we supposed to do that?

(loud knocking)

Hank: Who could that be?

Man at Door: Federal agent!

Hank: "What are we going to do?" Hank asked, terrified.

Tom: Destroy the evidence!

Tom Prime: Hey, you wanna know what? This is really awkward so I'm just gonna, you know I mean, as long as we're here-

Ben Prime: Don't disturb anything! We don't know what effect it might have on our future!

Tom Prime: It'll only take a second.

Ben Prime: No! Tom!

Federal Agent: Did someone say, "Let yourself in?" (sees friends destroying evidence) Maybe I should just go.

Ginger: (gasps) He's seen too much!

(The friends attack the "federal agent.")

Federal Agent: That's a federal offense!

(Hank jumps on the "federal agent.")

Tom Prime: Hey everyone, I've come from the future to save us from a-

(Ben Prime covers Tom Prime's mouth.)

Ben Prime: Ha, ha, ha, ha, hey everybody! Don't listen to this Tom! Everything's fine, and normal, and in the present!

(Tom and Ben travels further back in time.)

Hank: Uh... Hm. (jumps back into fight.)

In the Time Portal[]

Ben: Tom, you can't do stuff like that! Even embarrassing events from the past may be crucial to preserving the timeline we live in.

Tom: Yeah, okay, I get that now.

Ghost Pirate Hunting[]

(Scene cuts to garage during events of Ghost Pirate Hunting.)

(crickets chirping)

(mysterious music)

Hank: Ginger, what does the ghost sonar say?

Ginger: It says there's something this way. It must be Bigbeard.

Hank: Okay, but be on the lookout. Whenever Jack Sauna thinks the ghost is in front of him, something happens right behind-

(Hank knocks over a stool, causing him and Ginger to shoot random locations.)

Ben Prime: Quick! Over here!


Hank: Bigbeard, be gone ye from this cursed home!

Ben Prime: Now, just a few more rewinds, and we'll be able to make sure you never even thought of this thing.

Tom Prime: Hey Ben, remember that time we told Hank and Ginger a ghost story, so they'd be too scared to touch your computer while we were gone. (chuckles) Yeah, that's happening right now.

Ben Prime: Yeah, sure I remember, but we scared them so much they ended up destroying my computer. (spots computer and gasps) My computer! It's not ruined yet! I can save it. (starts walking to computer)

Tom Prime: Ben, no! Don't do it!

(Ben knocks over the kayak.)

Ben Prime: Oops.

Ginger: Let's do this. No ghost is gonna outsmart us!

(The kayak crashes.)

Ginger: (screams) Bigbeard, we're sorry we touched Ben's computer, but we're not really pirates okay? You get it right?

(Hank and Ginger scream.)

Hank: Pirates!

(Hank and Ginger start firing their guns)

Hank: You aim high, I'll aim low.


Ginger: I'm aiming everywhere!

Tom Prime: You're doing exactly what you told me not to do.

Ben Prime: This is different. We can save an innocent computer.

(Ben struggles to pull the computer off the desk.)

Tom Prime: Ben.

(Ginger hears the computer moving.)

Ginger: What was that?

(The computer knocks over.)

Ginger: Big Beard!

(Ginger shoots the computer. The computer explodes.)

Ben Prime: No!

Tom Prime: Quick, get in the bathroom!

(Ginger chuckles)

(Tom and Ben enter the bathroom. Tom shuts the door.)

Tom Prime: Okay, that's it. Something weird is happening, Ben. I think we're messing with the past too much.

Ben Prime: (writes on mirror) "Pleased to haunt you." (chuckles)

Tom Prime: Ben, why would you do that?

Ben Prime: Those two deserve to be really scared for what they did to my computer.

Tom Prime: Ben, from now on, we don't do anything that could change our timeline. Got it?

Ben Prime: Yes, definitely. From now on.

(Tom and Ben travel through time. The other Bens appear.)

General Ben: (frustrated yell) We just missed them.

Old Ben: Just missed 'em.

(All Bens travel through time.)

Blanket Fort[]

(Tom appear on the garage balcony during the events of Blanket Fort.)

(horse whinnying)

Tom Prime: Oh, I remember this. It's when they built that fort.

Ben Prime: Oh yeah, but this wasn't the fun part. Uh, let's keep it going.

Tom Prime: No, wait, this is the part where they-

Ginger: Pour the oil!

Hank: Pouring!

(Hank pours oil on Ben.)

Ben: Olive oil? I've had it with this stupid fort.

(Ben slips on oil.)

(Tom Prime laughs)

Ben Prime: (groans) Stupid-

(Tom and Ben travel further in time.)

The Famous Monster[]

(Scene cuts to Tom during events of The Famous Monster.)

Tom: Okay, someone give me an emotion, and I will perform that emotion to you.

Angela: Jealousy!

Hank: Whimsical!

Ginger: You're tired, because you've been walking- (cut off)

(Tom Prime and Ben Prime appear.)

Tom Prime: Now why would you stop there?

Ben Prime: Um...

Hank: No, four layers is too much acting for anyone!

(Tom's face freezes.)

Tom: Acting?

(Tom Prime sighs)

Ben Prime: (chuckles) Okay, now we're even.

(Tom and Ben travel in time.)

Big Ben[]

(scene cuts to comedy club during the events of Big Ben.)

Ben: So I said, uranium, more like, my anium, huh? Am I right?


Ben Prime: (laughs) If I wasn't me, I'd be my biggest fan.

Tom Prime: Yeah, we gotta go.

Ben Prime: Hold on! One more joke!

Ben: Bromine. (chuckles) Right bro? Mean? Cadmium? (chuckles) I just met him.

(Ben Prime laughs.)

Tom Prime: Wow, even worse the second time.

Ben Prime: I'm hilarious, I really am.

Tom Prime: Ben, we have to rewind faster. Try the double speed rewind.

Ben Prime: No way, Tom! This is 80's technology. No one's tested the double speed rewind in 30 years!

Tom Prime: Let's just try it!

(Tom and Ben fight over the rewinder.)

Tom Prime: You'll thank me for this! (presses double-speed rewind)

(Tom and Ben Prime travel back in time.)


Ben: This is crazy, Tom!

Tom: Relax, it's working fine.

Ben: If the tape guides snap, we could completely warp our timeline!

Tom: Trust me, everything was better in the 80's. Whoa!

(Tom and Ben suddenly move the other direction in the continuum.)

Ben: Whoa!

Tom: Uh, why are we going forward?

Back in Big Ben[]

(Tom and Ben Prime appear in the garage near the end of Big Ben, right before an obese Ginger falls on Ben. The time is paused.)

Tom Prime: Uh, oh.

Ben Prime: Ah! The Time Rewinder ate the tape!

Tom Prime: What just happened?

Ben Prime: Well, time froze because the machine ate the tape, which triggered a flux quantum pause, and there's most likely a rip in the space-time continuum, obviously.

Tom Prime: Uh, quick question. Uh, what happens if we can't fix the tape?

Ben Prime: Good question. We're stuck here forever!

Tom Prime: What? No. We-we can't be. If we're stuck in time forever, I'll never spend time with Angela again.

Ben Prime: Forgive me for not worrying about your little heartbreak, I'm too busy being stuck in the worst moment of my life!

Tom Prime: Right, so we both have a great incentive to think a way out of this. (gasps) What did we do when we were kids and this happened to our tapes, huh?

(Tom fixes the tape.)

Tom Prime: (sighs) There, good as new. (puts tape in rewinder)

Ben Prime: Ready?

Tom Prime: (takes deep breath) M-hm.

(Time is restored. Ginger falls on Ben, causing Ben to fart.)

Tom Prime and Ben Prime: Oh, oh, oh, ho, ho.

Tom Prime: The smell.

Ben Prime: Oh, no.

Tom Prime: Rewind. (presses button on rewinder)

(Tom and Ben travel in time.)

Back in the Time Portal[]

Tom Prime: Rewiiiiiiind!

(Ben screams)

Before Talking Tom & Friends[]

(Tom Prime and Ben Prime appear in the garage prior to the events of Talking Tom & Friends.)

Tom Prime: Ben, this is it. When the earthquake vase falls off the shelf and hits me on the head, that's when I think of the idea of the Time Rewinder.

Ben Prime: Well, we're here to make sure that doesn't happen.

(Tom chuckles)

Tom Prime: Oh no, the vase! It's about to fall! Ben, hit double rewind!

Ben Prime: But it'll eat the tape for sure.

Tom Prime: It'll also stop time!

Ben Prime: No, Tom, it's too dangerous. What if we can't fix it?

(The future Bens appear.)

Future Bens: There he is!

Tom Prime: Just do it!

Future Bens: Oh, no, you...

(The future Bens leap towards Tom and Ben.)

(Ben hits double speed rewind.)

(The time pauses.)

Tom Prime: Huh, alright. (whistles)

(Tom Prime picks up the vase.)

Ben Prime: Tom, what are you doing?

(Tom Prime puts a stool back upright and puts the vase on it.)

Tom Prime: (continues whistling) And, that should do it.

(Tom Prime and Ben Prime travel in time.)

(Tom and Ben scream while they are in the continuum.)

Present Day[]

(Tom and Ben appear back in present day.)

Tom: Ha! Woo-hoo! We did it, Ben! And now, everything's back to how it should be.

Ben: Um, I don't think this is how it should be.

Tom: Uh-oh.

(The garage is infested with plants and animal life. The plants are all growing from the vase.)

Tom: Is that my vase? Uh...

(Ben faints.)

Tom: Uh-

