Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Dr. Technology is the main antagonist in the fictitious-crime TV show, Bongo & McGillicuddy, and the main villain of Bye, Bye, Bongo!.


Dr. Technology has blue hair, a yellow eye and a red eye, yellow gloves, a lab coat, a lavender shirt, and an invention on his head.


Dr. Technology's reasons for being evil are unknown but he is known for theft and being stealthy.


After finding that the TV transporter was stolen by Dr. Technology, who escaped from jail, Hank, Bongo and McGillicuddy investigate his escape. They find Dr. Technology at an apartment and send him in for questioning.

Dr. Technology claims that the toothbrush Hank presented as evidence was nothing more than a device used to brush his teeth. However, Hank notices that his teeth were yellowed, exposing him. Dr. Technology takes the toothbrush to escape into the real world, but Hank turns the TV off, causing him to bump his head.

Dr. Technology was arrested for escaping prison and stealing the toothbrush. However, it was discovered that it was only a dream; he never entered the TV dimension.

