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Weird, why is Becca giggling at Tom?

Boyfriend Stealer is the 21st episode of Season 4 of Talking Tom and Friends.



As everyone prepares for a big town dance, Talking Angela becomes suspicious that Talking Tom’s spending a lot of time with Talking Becca.


Just before a big dance party in Talking Tom's garage, Talking Angela becomes suspicious that Talking Becca might be trying to steal her boyfriend.


Angela narrates her last night, apparently her worst night of all time. There was originally a summer-themed dance, but the pipes froze and covered the floor with ice, Ginger wanted to cancel the dance and turn it into a hockey tournament but Tom decided otherwise, as the dance was too important, and turned it into a Snow Ball instead.

Ben is sad that Xenon didn't answer his calls and Angela reassures him that Xenon will come eventually until she sees Becca flirting with Tom, giggling and whispering. So, Angela later goes back to the garage to confront Tom, telling him that Becca was trying to steal him away from her, but Tom didn't believe her. Angry, Angela uninvited herself from the dance.

She mopes around at Jerry's and Angela tells Jeremy about her situation. Jeremy is unsure and suggests bathing but Rhonda tells her she can't do nothing and pushes him aside She tells her to fight back by taking someone else and making Tom jealous. Angela does so; she goes to the Snow Ball and dances with the MC. Tom notices her, takes Becca and they both dance battle. The MC sends Angela flying up and goes to catch her but she bumps into Tom and Becca and Angela instead crashes onto food table, dumping a bowl of ice cream on her head.

Angry, Angela takes the microphone and exposes Becca for trying to steal her boyfriend. Becca admits that she did have a secret crush, but it was on Hank, not Tom. Upon hearing that he had an admirer, Hank runs away nervously, knocking over a speaker, shaking the room and causing the disco ball to fall on it. It creates smoke and everyone evacuates the garage in a panic.

Back to present day, Angela feels like Tom will likely never talk to her again. Tom enters, and tells Angela that he forgives her. They go back to the garage and Angela questions how Becca likes Hank. She apologizes to Becca and she forgives her, saying that she should've been honest about her feelings. Meanwhile, Ben was still sad since all his calls to Xenon went unanswered. Then, Xenon appears through the bathroom, returning from an undersea mission and they two couples dance. Ginger and his hockey team interrupt them all yet they still continue to dance. Becca looks for Hank who is hiding upstairs under a blanket, shaking as the episode finishes.





  • Just like "Who is Becca?", This episode had to be re-recorded due to Becca's name being changed from Bella.
  • This is the first time Jeremy is shown working at Jerry's after he was hired.
  • This is the last episode to air in 2019 and the last episode to air in the 2010's decade.
  • This episode's working title name was "Snowball" and was also originally going to be the 26th episode and season finale of Season 4, but that was changed presumably so that the episode could release near Christmas.
  • This is technically Season 4's Christmas special, however, not a lot of Christmas themes are shown in this episode beside the Snowball dance and that the episode takes place in winter, and Santa Claus does not appear in this episode at all, the episode likely took place after or before Christmas.
  • It's revealed that Becca has a relationship with Hank.


  • In one scene, Ginger mistakenly switches from his hockey shirt to his regular shirt. In the next scene, he is back in his hockey shirt. However, this is fixed in "Talking Becca in the House!".



Talking Tom and Friends - Boyfriend Stealer (Season 4 Episode 21)
