Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Hey, world. I'm Becca Sparkles. I'm fierce and fresh and I want to shake things up. It's sparkle time!
The New Old RoommateTalking Tom and Friends

Becca Sparkles[7][8][9] (born March 20[2][3]), better known as Becca and also known as Talking Becca, is one of the main characters of the many series in the Talking Tom & Friends franchise.[5] Becca's design originated as a concept by artist Eran Alboher, who during an interview with Slovenian enterprise Outfit7, was told by them to create a character for the Talking Tom & Friends franchise as an expertize test to join the company. Years later, Becca's character was created when discussions arose within Outfit7 about potentially including more female representation in the series.[5] She made her debut in "Who is Becca?", an episode of Talking Tom and Friends published online by Outfit7 in October of 2019.

Becca is generally depicted as a sarcastic, snarky, self-confident and fiercely independent, a bit of a rebel whose interests are never mainstream.[10][5] Though with a somewhat laidback demeanor, Becca is mostly an adventerous person who enjoys taking risks, especially ones that pump her adrenaline.[2] Though her occupation varies on occasion, she often has a singing career, something she cares deeply about which is known to make her somewhat competitive towards other singers.[7] Outwardly, Becca is sometimes rude, abrasive and difficult to approach,[10] but is a very caring and loyal friend to those she likes, particularly her friends in the gang.

Although she has not made quite as many appearances as other members of the main cast of the Talking Tom & Friends franchise, Becca is nevertheless a popular character. Even from her debut in "Who is Becca?", Becca had already received a lot of positive attention, quickly becoming accepted by the franchise's fanbase.[5] Her fame has been attributed to the unique, stronger and "broader appeal" she gives the franchise, her position within it, and her large contrast from the rest of the gang.[5]


Becca generally appears as a slim dark-gray and white rabbit with green eyes with large eyelashes, a small spherical tail between the top of her legs, a pink nose, long ears with pink canals and white fluff at the bottom and a tuft of hair with purple hair streak highlights and long ears. She is usually seen wearing a yellow shirt with a sideways lightning bolt on it and blue ripped jeans/shorts.


In My Talking Tom Friends, Becca appeared much shorter than her appearance in Talking Tom and Friends. Her t-shirt no longer has sleeves and she lacks her gray socks and black shoes she is seen with in the series. At some points in the style invented for this app, she can be seen with a large orange star on her t-shirt, rather than the lightning bolt she usually sports.

In Talking Tom Gold Run and Talking Tom Time Rush, Becca has been adapted to match with the T4 3D artstyle. She retains her more "stout" appearance from My Talking Tom Friends, as well as some of the prominent changes to her from that app, such as a lack of sleeves and shoes, albeit her overall appearance is largely simplified. Her hands are also notably smaller than her My Talking Tom Friends look, and her hair is less curled.

Talking Tom and Friends

In Talking Tom and Friends, Becca wears gray socks and black shoes with white stripes on it.

In "Who is Becca?", Becca briefly wore an outfit that resembles Angela: a purple tank top under a pink off-shoulder short-sleeved top with a darker pink heart on it, blue jean-shorts, pink ballet flats and a white beanie with cat ears on top. Later, she wore a white apron and a gray bucket with a picture of grapes on it on her head.

In "Boyfriend Stealer", Becca wore a winter uniform complete with a pink coat and pink shoes aligned with white fur, alongside her usual jeans.

In "Hank's First Date", Becca is first seen wearing a pink sleeveless dress and dark brown boots, before later switching into dark green suspenders, a cream polo shirt with a red bowtie and a dark green fedora.

In "Beach Day in the Desert", Becca wore a green tank swimsuit and brown sandals.

In "Roommate War", Becca wore an orange, dark pink and brown bodysuit with several gray buckles and a zipper in the center. She also wore a dark pink helmet with a white blindfold and brown gloves and shoes.


In Talking Tom and Friends, Becca is seen to portray as an independent, sassy and snarky character, often quipping sarcastic one-liners in a comical way. This side of her is shown a lot when making her song against Angela to insult her, trying to prove she is better than Angela and that people were wrong about her. She has a strong ego,[10] and oftentimes can be quite rude.

Becca is also seen to be adventurous and risk-taking, she likes parachuting and bike racing as it gives her an exhilarating thrill whilst with her friends. She feels proud and worthy of winning when she does and likes to challenge people to show her capability. Despite this, Becca can also be more laid back and calm when she is around her friends, while not exactly lazy, she likes to talk and gossip with her friends, most prevalently with Angela.

Becca can keep her responsibility at times, as she takes turns with Angela cleaning the apartment they live in to do their fair share of work around the building. She tries to convince Tom to stop his food cult in "Tom the Guru" and even tries to wrestle her groceries from a person trying to steal them. When she realizes Hank is not ready for romance and dating, she accepts and understands that and she simply becomes friends with Hank.

She's also protective of her friends, when she heard Angela was sad after she thinks she will breakup with Tom in "Breakup Curse" she goes to her and tries to comfort Angela, eventually motivating her to try and change their luck so her and Tom can stay as a couple.

If Becca gets sad and/or feels betrayed, she will become frustrated and do anything in her way to take vengeance on the person that wronged her or her friends. As seen with Angela in "Who is Becca?" after Angela splashes mud on Becca's face with her scooter, she would presumably do that with a diss track to bring them down.

Becca has an interest in more negative and darker tones, as shown in "Roommate War" when she wants to throw a party with Halloween-esque decorations. Despite this, she can still become frightened and scared such as when she met a real ghost in "The New Old Roommate".


Becca is Angela's biggest fan, good friend, and roommate. When the two first met in the 2014 series, Angela was unaware of Becca, and accidentally splashed mud on her while taking a hurt fan to a hospital during one of her concerts. This inspired Becca to write a diss track about Angela, aspiring to throw Angela out-of-business. In an attempt to get even with her, Angela got back at Becca by writing a counter song, although this caused Becca to retire, and go back to her old job at a frozen fruit stand.

Angela visited Becca during that time, and after learning that what happened was a misunderstanding, the two set apart their differences and wrote a song together. Since the events of "The New Old Roommate", Becca has also been Angela's roommate.

In Talking Tom and Friends, Hank is Becca's crush. This fact was first revealed in "Boyfriend Stealer", when Becca admitted it to Angela after being accused of attempting to steal Tom from her. Becca has admired Hank since the two first met, and it is said she enjoys his chill and laid-back personality.[11] Although Hank and Becca dated in "Hank's First Date", later on she agreed that Hank is not ready for romance.

Tom, Ben and Ginger:
The relationship between Becca and the rest of the gang is not shown much, but they are good friends nevertheless. Tom became the center of feud between Angela and Becca in Boyfriend Stealer. She enjoys hanging out with Tom, Ben and Ginger as much as she does with Angela and Hank.


IP Mart

Becca is very independent and smart, and is definitely not someone who likes to follow the trend. Her interests and hobbies are not mainstream. Maybe she feels distant and difficult to approach, but once you gain her trust, she will treat you like family. Her friends love her relaxed demeanor, which speaks to her confidence and candor. She understands how important it is to be yourself, but sometimes her directness can be off-putting or abrasive. Although she has a strong ego, she knows that nothing can compare to having a group of reliable friends.[note 1]

Concept art


An early sketch for Becca.

Becca's design was originally concepted by Eran Alboher, who around the time was tasked with creating a new character for the Talking Tom & Friends franchise, in order to prove himself capable of becoming a senior art designer at the company.[5]

The design was put aside for several years, until discussions about potential business decisions began rising at Outfit7, which included a potential new addition to the cast. The ideas were to tell interesting new stories, expand existing characters even further, and establish more female representation to the group by introducing a new friend. The latter went through, and before concepting the character design, the surrounding ideas for the character were instead focused on her personality. The basis was described as having Becca "cool, witty, nonconformist, and fiercely independent. A bit of a rebel whose tastes don’t fall in the mainstream." Afterwards, Outfit7 began to browse previous concepts for character designs that had been set aside. Eran's gray rabbit character was chosen, as the other members simply thought that it "fit". The final result was polished strategically, in an attempt to expand the brand's appeal.[5]

Becca was originally named "Bella", but her name was changed after "Who is Becca?" and "Boyfriend Stealer" were recorded, so the episodes had to be re-recorded.[citation needed]


  • Becca's name was first revealed in an article of the Kidscreen Magazine.
  • Becca is the only member of the main cast to have a surname.
  • Becca is the third non-human character to be introduced through the Talking Tom and Friends show, the first being Hank and the second being Jeremy.
  • Becca, along with Hank, are the only two of the main cast who do not appear in Talking Friends, due to the fact that the two had not been created yet.
    • Hank and Becca also share the trait of both being introduced through the show, before being put into the games later on.
  • Becca can be seen speaking in Talking Tom Shorts in the episode "Let's Go Skiing".


  1. 500?cb=20240613092751
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ", Retrieved 04-27-23
  3. 3.0 3.1 "", Retrieved 05-19-23
  4. "", Retrieved 09-24-24
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 "", Retrieved 07-03-23
  6. Retrieved 05-31-24
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Who is Becca?" from Talking Tom and Friends
  8. "Boyfriend Stealer" from Talking Tom and Friends (7:24), "There's a boyfriend stealer among us, and her name... is Becca Sparkles!"
  9. "The New Old Roommate" from Talking Tom and Friends (0:03), "Hey, world. I'm Becca Sparkles. I'm fierce and fresh and I want to shake things up. It's sparkle time!"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 "" (Translation: "Becca is very independent and smart, and is definitely not someone who likes to follow the trend. Her interests and hobbies are not mainstream. Maybe she feels distant and difficult to approach, but once you gain her trust, she will treat you like family. Her friends love her relaxed demeanor, which speaks to her confidence and candor. She understands how important it is to be yourself, but sometimes her directness can be off-putting or abrasive. Although she has a strong ego, she knows that nothing can compare to having a group of reliable friends."), Retrieved 10-21-23
  11. "🔥 FIND OUT the Secrets of Talking Tom & Friends Season 5 (Behind the Scenes) 🔥" from the official Talking Tom & Friends YouTube channel (0:49)


  1. The original profile was written in Chinese. It has been provided here in English for convenience.