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Scarves are not for everyone! If everyone had a scarf, how would we be able to tell the cool people from the... ugh, normals?!
Angela's Scarf

Autumn Summers is a minor villain and Angela's enemy debuting in the webseries, Talking Tom and Friends.


Summers is a mid-height, overweight woman with curled, purple hair rolled into a ball-shape. She has purple-pink lipstick, and purple eye-lining.

For attire, she wears a purple dress and a yellow scarf. On the center of the scarf is a small, red ruby. She also has a few white bands going over her left arm.


Autumn is a diva fashionista who takes interest in the fashion world, especially in scarves. She also has an elitist side, believing fashion to be for "cool people only." She believes that fashion is the only thing separating "cool people" and "ordinary regular normals."


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Hank's Hill

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  • In her debut, Angela's Scarf, she is voiced by Greg Manwaring, a male actor. However, since Season 3, she is voiced by Maria Bamford, a female actor. The reason for the inconsistencies is unknown.
  • Her name is a pun on the two seasons, Summer, and the UK name for Fall, Autumn.