Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

(Scene shows the garage on Halloween night. Someone approaches the garage.)

(Inside, Hank tells a story to the friends.)

Hank: I crash-landed the helicopter and saved the queen, and the people cheered and sang with joy.

(Ginger enters with a Frankenstein costume.)

Ginger: Happy Halloween! Aka Candy Day, aka the best day of the year, aka a birthday for candy! Who's ready to go trick-or-treating?

(The friends ignore Ginger.)

Hank: ...and that's when I finally made the switch from drinking cold water to drinking room-temperature water.

Tom: Oh, I see.

Angela: Yeah, that makes sense.

Ginger: What’s going on here?! Why are you sitting around talking when we could be out getting free candy?

Tom: (chuckles) Ginger, we’re adults. If we want candy, we can just go buy some.

Ginger: Oh, so you’re just coming with me while I trick-or-treat.

Ben: I don’t think you understand. Trick-or-treating isn’t on our schedule tonight.

Ginger: Wha- bu- but wait... are you saying... (places hand on armchair)

Ben: Don't touch it!

Ginger: (removes hand, gasps) Sorry.

Angela: Listen, it’s cold, it’s dark, Hank still hasn’t returned my scuba-diver costume...

Hank: Oh, that was a costume? No wonder the tag on it said, "Do not wear in water."

Tom: The point is, we’re not really doing Halloween this year, Ginger.

Ginger: Not... doing... candy? (faints)

(Theme song plays)

(Hank slaps Ginger awake.)

Ginger: (breathes deeply) This is outrageous! You can’t not do Halloween! What about you, Hank? You’re telling me that even you don’t want free candy?!

Hank: Ginger, I’m a grown-up now. I drink room-temperature water. I can’t be out running around with children in costumes.

Ginger: (grunts) You’ll be sorry you didn’t take me trick-or-treating, and you’ll be sorry you said such mean things about me!

Angela: Um, we didn’t say any mean things about you, Ginger.

Ginger: Well, I’m sure you thought them!

Tom: Mm, he’s got us there.

(Ginger grunts and leaves.)

Hank: All right, who’s ready for this year’s Scare-a-thon TV Marathon?!

Angela: Woohoo, me!

(The TV turns on.)

TV Host: You are about to enter a place beyond a place beyond another place. Some things are the same here, but some are different. Are ghosts real? Do aliens exist? What is the Tooth Fairy doing with all those teeth? Everything isn’t black-and-white, but this show is. You’ve just crossed over into... the Sundown Sector.

(The TV host disappears and the title card The Sundown Sector appears.)

Tom: (yawns) Booooooring. Did you seriously pick an old, black-and-white show for this year’s Scare-A-Thon?

Angela: Why does it matter if it’s in black-and-white?

Tom: It's boring! This is Halloween! The Scare-a-thon should be scary!

Ben: Au contraire, mon scare. Black-and-white can be very scary, especially if I use this. (takes out invention) The Total TV Immersion app! It makes it feel like you’re in the show. It’ll have you shaking in your Halloween boots!

Tom: (sarcastically) Ooh, I’m sooo scared.

Ben: You will be! (presses button)

(The world becomes black-and-white. A wolf is heard howling.)

Tom: Wow!

Angela: Is this real?

Hank: This is awesome! It’s just like we’re in... the Sundown Sector! (makes sounds)

Ben: Maybe we are.

Angela: Total immersion.

(The TV turns on.)

TV Host: Today’s story is about a monster. Not a monster that lurks in the dark, not a monster with fangs or claws. This monster... (licks lollipop) is an adorable little boy.

(Ginger enters through the back door. The friends scream.)

Ginger: Alright, listen up. Because I’m nice, I’m going to give you one more chance. You can either come trick-or-treating with me now... or you can suffer the consequences!

Ben: Ginger, this is getting annoying. How many times do we have to tell you no? No, no, no, no, n-

(Ginger points to Ben with his finger. Ben vanishes.)

(The friends gasp.)

Tom: What just happened?!

Angela: Where did Ben go?!

(Ben is trapped in Ginger's phone. Ginger shows his phone.)

Ben: (pounds on screen) Let me out! Let me out!

(Ginger taps on Ben on his phone.)

Ben: Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ginger: Silence! (to others) Now... do you want me to turn you into an app? Or do you want to do exactly what I say?

(A montage is shown of Ginger making orders around the garage.)

(Ginger tells the friends to wear their costumes. Angela puts on a witch costume, Hank wears a hockey mask and Tom wears a skeleton mask.)

(Hank makes a batch of cookies for Ginger. Ginger eats one cookie, but makes a thumbs-down gesture, making Hank throw the other cookies away.)

(Tom takes a handful of candy and throws it into Ginger's mouth.)

(Angela and Hank pick up Ginger's armchair and carry him around while Tom continues throwing candy.)

(The friends put up decorations while Ginger watches and laughs.)

(End of montage. The friends sit on the couch, exhausted.)

Ginger: And what do you think you’re doing?

Tom: We just need a break, Ginger. We’re exhausted from following all of your fun orders!

Ginger: Turn the TV off, Hank.

Hank: I can’t! The Halloween episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy's about to start!

(Ginger growls.)

Hank: I mean, (in a happier tone) I can’t do that! The Halloween episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy's about to start!

Ginger: Turn it off now, Hank, or I’ll send you into my phone like I did to Ben!

(Hank tries to turn the TV off, but finds it emotionally difficult.)

Hank: I... can’t... do it...

Ginger: This is your last warning!

(Hank starts sweating profusely. He eventually gives up.)

Hank: I can’t, I just can’t! (begs) Please don’t punish me! I physically can’t turn off the TV if Bongo and McGillicuddy is on!

(Ginger points at Hank. Hank disappears, leaving only Tom and Angela. Tom and Angela scream.)

Ginger: Anyone else? (holds up phone)

Hank (in phone): Come on, Ginger! This isn't funny anymore, let us out!

Ginger: Alright, time to go trick-or-treating!

(Scene cuts to the driveway. Ginger stands on the taxi.)

Ginger: Tom, you’re gonna hold my extra bags!

Tom: (nervously) Great.

Ginger: And Angela, you‘re gonna carry me so my feet don’t get sore.

Angela: Ugh!

Tom: (nervously) Great idea. Right, Angela?

(Angela growls.)

Tom: (whispers to Angela) Angela, what’re you doing?

Angela: I am finished doing what Ginger tells us to do.

Ginger: Excuse me?

Angela: You heard me. I said I’m not going to listen to you any more! You’re just a little brat who gets mad when he doesn’t get his way, and I have had enough!

(Ginger points at Angela. Angela vanishes.)

Tom: (screams) No!

(Ginger laughs and points at his phone.)

Angela (in phone): (pounds on screen) Ginger! Ginger!

(Tom runs back into the garage to hide from Ginger.)

(Tom hides behind the kitchen counter. Ginger makes the counter vanish.)

(Tom uses a stool to block Ginger's attack. The stool disappears.)

(Tom tries to hide behind a couch, but the couch disappears.)

Ginger: Uh-huh!

Tom: Whoa!

(Tom leaps out of the way just as Ginger fires at the television. The television disappears.)

Tom: Look over there! Candy!

(Ginger looks away, giving Tom time to hide.)

(Ginger looks around the garage for Tom.)

Tom: You have to stop, Ginger! You can’t just push people around and intimidate them into doing what you want!

(Tom is hiding among skeleton decorations. By the time Ginger sees Tom, Tom manages to escape the hiding spot.)

Ginger: That’s funny, because I actually can do that!

Tom: Ginger, Ginger, listen. I- I want to say that I’m reeeeally sorry for the whole running and chasing and yelling thing. I actually like following your orders! J-j-just give me another one, and I’ll do it right away!

(Tom is hiding behind the backdrop.)

Ginger: Sorry, Tom, (pulls back thumb) it’s too late. (points finger at Tom) You had your chance!

Tom: Ginger, please, no-

(Tom disappears. Ginger laughs.)

(Tom finds himself falling into an app dimension with giant furniture. He lands on the ground.)

Ben: Tom!

Angela: Tom!

Hank: Oh, hey, Tom.

Tom: What is this? Wait, ar-are we in...

Angela: Yeah, we’re inside Ginger’s phone, and by the looks of it, we’re trapped.

Hank: Things were pretty bad in here for a while, but then the couch and the TV just appeared out of nowhere! It was awesome!

Ben: Speak for yourself. When the couch appeared, it landed on me.

Tom: How did that happen?

(A flashback is shown. In Ginger's phone, Ben hears a sound.)

Ben: What’s that sound?

Angela: What sound?

(The couch is seen falling. A shadow appears below Ben.)

Hank: (sees couch, gasps) Ben, to your left!

(Ben looks to his left. The couch then falls on Ben.)

Hank: I meant move to your left!

(End of flashback.)

Tom: Are you sure we can’t escape? There has to be some way out of here...

Ben: I don’t even see any doors or walls. It’s like we’re in a totally different plane of existence or something.

Angela: Well, at least we’re not just sitting around the garage. We keep saying we need to get out more, and we finally did. I’m proud of us.

Hank: You know, this same thing happened on an episode of The Sundown Sector. I guess we’ll just have to do what those characters did.

Angela: Which is? I mean, not like "witches," but "which is?"

Hank: Give up.

Tom: Give up? You mean, just stop trying to escape?

Hank: Yep. There’s no way out, so we might as well get comfortable.

(The grandfather clock's pendulum rings.)

Tom: Are you crazy?! There is no way I’m giving up that easily. (shouts) Hey, Ginger! You hear me out there? You’re not gonna get away with this! We’ll escape somehow and when we do, you’ll- wait, what is that?

(Ginger appears as a giant. He pushes his finger towards Tom.)

Angela: Nooo!

(Ginger's tap knocks Tom back, sending him flying towards the couch.)

(Ginger continues tapping the friends.)

Tom: Please stop, Ginger! (gets tapped) Ow!

Ginger: Sing!

Angela: We’ll do what you want! Ginger, please!

(Ginger taps Hank, Ben and Tom. He laughs.)

Ginger: Now who doesn't want to go trick-or-treating? (laughs)

(The TV turns to static, revealing that the event was only a video on the TV.)

Angela: That...

Hank: ...was...

Tom: ...terrifying.

Ben: I told you old things can be good! And scary!

Tom: You guys don’t think something like that is really possible, right? I mean, I know it’s just a show, but you don’t think that-

(A thunderclap is heard. Ginger appears at the door.)

Ginger: Hey guys, I’m back!

(The friends scream.)

Ginger: (holds up candy bag) And I got tons of candy!

(The friends scream. Ginger turns on the lights.)

Ginger: What’s wrong with you guys?

Tom: (nervously) Nothing!

Angela: (nervously) Yeah, nothing’s wrong!

Ben: (nervously) Everything is great!

Hank: (nervously) Just perfect!

Ginger: Okay, if you say so... (sits down on couch) Hey, The Sundown Sector! I remember this show!

(The friends look scared.)

Ginger: I used to watch this with my parents. They said I reminded them of some character on there. I don’t remember who, though. Isn’t that weird? I said... (in creepy tone) isn’t that weird?

(Ginger takes out his phone. The friends scream. Ginger taps his phone.)

(Credits roll)
