(Scene shows the garage. Tom and Ben are on the sofa. Ben reads a book, and Tom looks at his phone.)
Hank: Friday afternoon. Three young friends in the prime of their lives... one clings to the paper pages of the past, one embraces the technology of the future, (turns camera to himself) and the most handsome one of all narrates the groundbreaking series, Talking Tom and Friends.
Tom: Aw, Hank, enough!
Ben: What are you doing?
Hank: I was thinking we could use a narrator to make our lives seem more exciting! Especially since it's already Friday and we haven't had any wacky adventures yet!
Tom: Yeah, it is weird we don't have any plans for the weekend.
Ben: No competitions, no deadlines, no last-minute problems that need to be solved, nothing!
Hank: This is the time where somebody usually bursts in with a crisis... right about... now!
(Ginger enters at the exact moment, running.)
Ginger: Hey, guys! (pants) You guys, you guys!
Hank: Is it time for an adventure?! Ooh, do you have a crisis?
Ginger: What? Oh, no, no, no. I was just seeing how fast I could run over here.
Tom: Aw.
Ginger: I'm so bored! What are you guys up to?
Tom: (sighs) Absolutely nothing.
Ben: (groans) I guess... nothing exciting is gonna happen this week after all.
Hank: Unless this was all just a set-up to an actual crisis that's gonna happen right about... now!
(Nothing happens.)
Hank: Now! Now?
Angela: (enters) Guys, I have a crisis!
Hank: Woo-hoo! Cue the theme song!
(Theme song plays)
Angela: (nervously) I just booked my first show out of town this weekend, but I have a super important package being delivered this weekend, so I need you all to house-sit for me this weekend!
Hank: Looks like we found our adventure!
Angela: I'm sorry it's so last-minute, but I just got this call and I have a very important package coming!
Ginger: Tell us more about this "very important package"- (whispers) and whether or not it contains candy-
(Tom pulls Ginger aside.)
Ginger: Uh- hey!
Tom: No problem, we're happy to help! I'd do anything for you, Angela- (nervously) uh... we'd do anything to help!
Ginger: (giggles) Smooth, real smooth.
Hank: This is so exciting! A brand-new adventure in a brand-new setting!
Angela: Please don't do anything weird at my apartment, and whatever you do, do not open the package.
Tom: Don't worry, I've got everything under control!
Ben: Sooo, where's your concert? I mean, maybe if they do comedy shows there, too, you could give the manager my card. (hands business card)
Angela: (reads card) "Ben the Comedian, voted #1 Comedian in a World." (chuckles) Don't you mean "#1 Comedian in the World?"
Ben: No, because that would imply that I mean Earth.
Ginger: Did you hold a vote for Best Comedian on a planet that wasn't Earth just so you could say that?
Ben: Hmm... maybe yes.
Tom: What planet?
Ben: Saturn.
Hank: And just how many people voted?
Ben: Just one- now, look, we're getting off-topic! We have to hurry up and get to Angela's place!
Angela: Oh, yeah, he's right, I have to get going! Thanks again, you guys! (starts exiting) Oh, and please don't destroy my apartment. Oh, and don't go through my stuff. Oh, and lastly, do not open that package. Okay, bye! (exits)
Ginger: So which one of those things you guys wanna do first?!
(Scene cuts to Tom talking to the audience.)
Tom: She may not have said it, but this is a test. She's trusting me to look after her apartment, which is where she lives. So, in a way, Angela is trusting me with her life this weekend! Me! In charge of a life!
(Scene cuts to Angela's apartment.)
Hank: (narrates) Later, the cool friends found themselves in Angela's apartment.
Ben: You're narrating again, Hank!
Hank: "Oh, sorry!" said Hank, apologizing.
Tom: All we're here to do is patiently wait for Angela's package, so, let's lay down a few ground rules, shall we? Number one: don't touch anything. Number Two: don't mess with anything.
(Ben and Hank nod in agreement.)
Tom: Number Three: don't interrupt me-
Ginger: (interrupts) Yeah, yeah, we get it. (jumps on couch and takes remote)
Tom: Oh, okay, good idea. We'll just sit here and watch TV. That way, nothing gets messed-up and no one ruins their shot with Angela- oh.
Ginger: (scrolls through channels) Boring. Seen it. Boring. Seen it. Oh, I haven't seen this one!
Ben: (takes remote) I have! (changes channel) It's boring.
Ginger: Well, I give up! Somebody else try. I'm going to find a snack. (goes to kitchen)
Hank: (gasps) It's on, it's on, it's on! The season finale of Turtle Cops!
(The TV cuts to a news broadcast. A reporter appears.)
Hank: Aww!
Reporter: We interrupt the season finale of Turtle Cops: Cops Who Are Turtles with breaking news! The Banana-Berry Bandit has struck again!
(Hank, Ben and Tom gasp.)
Hank: The Banana-Berry Bandit? Who's that?
Reporter: If you're wondering out loud, "Who's that?," the Banana-Berry Bandit is the most infamous thief that this town has ever seen! Today's victim? The Shop N' Sneer, downtown's most exclusive health-food store. Once again, the Bandit made off with every piece of fruit they had!
(Ginger looks in a cabinet.)
Ginger: Uh, guys?
Tom: H-hold on, Ginger.
Reporter: The Banana-Berry Bandit could be anyone! It could be your friend, or your girlfriend, or the friend you wish was your girlfriend if you'd just man-up and ask her out already.
Ginger: Guys, I really think you need to-
Tom: Ginger, I said hold on!
Reporter: If you see anything, please call the police immediately! The Banana-Berry Bandit is planting her seeds of crime, and she won't stop until this town becomes her own personal greenhouse of terror! Now, back to the season finale of Turtle Cops: Cops Who Are Turtles!
Ginger: Guys, seriously!
Tom: What is so important that you had to- what?!
(Ginger finds that the cabinets and refrigerator have been filled with fruit.)
Hank: (gasps) Hank gasped.
(Scene cuts to the living room.)
Tom: Okay, let's not jump to conclusions. For all we know, huh, this could just be one big coincidence!
Ben: You're absolutely right, Tom. I'm sure this isn't what it looks like.
Tom: Aw, who are we kidding, Ben?! Angela's the Banana-Berry Bandit and we all know it!
Ben: Well, at least we're not jumping to conclusions...
Tom: All we had to do is sit here and wait for a package, but now... (gasps) oh, no, do you realize what this means?! If Angela really is the Bandit, and we're helping her, it means we're guilty too! (screams)
(Hank, Ben and Ginger scream.)
Ben: Everyone, calm down! Let's just be rational about this.
Hank: (takes out notepad and writes) And then Ben said, "Let's just be rational about this."
Ben: Hank, what are you doing?
Hank: I'm working on my confession for when we all get arrested!
Ben: No one is getting arrested!
Ginger: I can't go to jail! I'm not even old enough to understand the social contract!
Ben: No one is going to jail! Not you, not you, not you, not me, nobody.
Tom: Ben's right. Now, maybe, if we just look around a little bit, we'll find an explanation for all of this and we can clear our names! Let's get to the bottom of this!
(A montage is shown of the friends investigating the apartment. Ginger and Hank search the kitchen. Ginger opens a cupboard full of fruit. The fruit fall out and Ginger falls off his chair.)
(Hank opens the closet to find black T-shirts saying "Steal Yourself A Sip.")
(Tom opens Angela's nightstand to find Ginger inside with a pear.)
(Ben opens a drawer to find a list of stores.)
(End of montage. Tom and Ben are at a table with the fruit, T-shirts and list.)
Ginger: So where are you guys gonna go when we run from the law? I'm thinkin' Morocco. I like heat, but I can't do humidity. Plus, it's just fun to say. Morocco.
Tom: No one's running from anything! Alright, Angela is our friend, we cannot just hand her over to the police!
Ben: Tom, I know I was skeptical before, but look at all this stuff! A kitchen full of fruit, a list of the stores that have been robbed, bizarrely-incriminating, T-shirts, it's all here!
Ginger: Morocco!
Tom: Look, even if she is guilty, we have to help her!
Ben: And how are we supposed to do that?!
(The friends hear a knock at the door. They gasp.)
Ginger: Morocco!
Hank: Who could that be?!
Man at Door: Alright, open up! I know you're in there! Federal agent! (quietly) Of the postal service.
Hank: "What are we going to do?" Hank asked, terrified.
Tom: Destroy the evidence! We can't let them win! We can't let them win!
(The mailman enters.)
Mailman: Did someone say, "let yourself in"?
(The mailman finds the friends eating the fruit.)
Mailman: ...Maybe I should just go...
Ginger: (screams) He's seen too much!
Tom: Get him!
(The friends tackle the mailman. Hank closes the door before jumping in.)
(Scene cuts to Angela in the hallway.)
Angela: (sings) My friends are there for me!
No matter what I need!
I go out of town,
and they won't let me down,
because they care for me! (sighs)
Angela: (enters apartment) Hey, guys! I'm hom- what in the-
(Angela enters to find Hank eating the fruit, Ginger hitting the list with a baseball bat and Ben shredding the T-shirts with a paper shredder. The mailman is tied to a chair and gagged with an apple.)
Tom: Eat faster, smash faster, shred faster! Look, the sooner we can destroy all the evidence, the sooner we can- (notices Angela) oh, Angela, hi!
Angela: (closes door) (in hysterics) What is going on in here?!
Tom: Uh... Morocco?
Angela: (goes to Ben) What are you doing?! Why are you destroying all my stuff?!
Mailman: (spits out apple) Ooh, you guys are in trouble!
Tom: Don't listen to him, Angela, he's here to arrest you! He's a federal agent!
Mailman: Of the postal service!
Angela: Arrest me?! What are you talking about?! (to Ginger) What is he talking about?
Tom: It's okay, Angela, we know what happened. We're just trying to help you. (sits down Angela in chair) It's me, Tom, your friend.
Hank: (takes banana) And I'm the bad cop!
Tom: Angela, we- I can call you Angela, right?
Angela: Sure?
Tom: Angela, we found a lot of incriminating evidence around here. Fruit, T-shirts, a list of stores you robbed...
Angela: Wait, you went through my things?!
Hank: We investigated your things, Angela, or should I say, Banana-Berry Bangela! (points to fruit) We found all your stolen property!
Angela: I didn't steal anything! All of this stuff is mine!
Hank: Oh, this is so sad, Tom. She thinks just because she steals something, that makes it hers. That's not how the world works, Angela!
Angela: Um...
Hank: You can't just steal whatever you want and get away with it. What are you, a bank?!
Tom: Everybody, calm down! No one here is a bank! Angela, look, we're just trying to get you out of this, right? Help us help you.
Angela: I can't believe you'd actually think I was a criminal! You should know me better than that, Tom! (sighs) You wanna know what all of this is about? (pushes Tom and Hank aside and goes to box) Do ya?! (scoffs) Well, I'll show you!
(The friends and the mailman look scared, anticipating what Angela would take out.)
(Angela opens the box and takes out a blender.)
Angela: I've been designing my own line of custom smoothie-makers! This is the prototype! That's why I have so must fruit around here!
Ginger: (holds up list) What about this list?
Angela: Ugh, those are all the places I've been shopping for my ingredients.
Ben: Well, what about these shirts?
Angela: Those are the shirts I had made with my slogan on them. See? (holds up slogan) "Steal yourself a sip." Catchy, huh?
Mailman: Well, what about all that on the TV?
(The TV turns on and the reporter appears on TV.)
Reporter: This just in: the Banana-Berry Bandit has been caught! Sources say the suspect is a woman named Arugula- a vegan who lost her marbles due to a protein deficiency. You can now stop accusing your friends, your girlfriends, and the friends you wish were your girlfriends!
Hank: (nudges Tom) Tom?
Tom: What?!
Mailman: Oh, wow, you guys really screwed this one up!
(Angela growls.)
Tom: Let me be the first to say that we are very, very, very, very, very, very sorry.
Ginger: It was all Tom's idea. I just wanted to go to Morocco!
Ben: Let's start brainstorming what we can do to fix things!
Angela: Fix things?! How are you gonna fix things?! You ruined my apartment, you destroyed my stuff, and worst of all, you slowed down the mail!
Mailman: Of the postal service!
Hank: It'll be fine, Angela! You know how this show works. "I'm sure everything will be back to normal in a week or so!" said Hank, (to audience) concluding yet another classic episode of Talking Tom and Friends! See you next week!
(Credits roll)