Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Alejandro Lopez Granados is a director of Talking Tom and Friends. He is a Director and CG artist with more than fifteen years of experience in the Animation sector. He has collaborated in international 3D Animation productions for television, cinema and advertising. And, for six years, he has been working as a director in television series, an activity he has combined with his work as a visual effects artist. He has worked as FX artist and CG artist for studios such as Ilion Animation Studio, Mediapro, Arx Anima and Urà Films, among others. He works mainly with Autodesk Maya, Photoshop, Krita, Premiere, Da Vinci Resolve software. Since 2009 he has combined this activity with teaching.

Episodes Directed[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]


  • 2008: FX artist in “Los hijos del agua”, last-generation immersive projection by Mediapro and Urano Films
  • 2010: FX artist on “Planet 51”, by Ilion Animation Studio
  • 2010: CG artist in the animated series “Dr.W” by Mago Production
  • 2014: CG artist on the television series “Talking Tom & Friends” for Arx Anima
  • 2016: CG artist on the animated series “The Flying Squirrels” by Mago Production
  • 2021: Co-director of the Animation short film “Diddl” produced by B-Water Studios